Discipline Strategies

Discipline teaches children what behavior is expected from them and how to improve the behavior. Discipline is immediate and directly related to the problem area. Discipline improves behavior over time. Discipline is a win/win situation where both parent and child are treated fairly.

  • Make statements about the behavior, not about the child.
  • Make few rules. Make them simple and be consistent.
  • Set limits of expected behavior.
  • Give time to comply with requests.
  • Give your child full attention when he/she follows through with expected behavior. Instill a positive attitude.
  • Make the discipline appropriate to the misbehavior. For example: if the child draws with crayons on the wall, the child is expected to clean the wall. Another example: the teenager is 25 minutes late for curfew, the teen’s curfew is shortened by 25 minutes.
  • Provide the child with opportunities for success.
  • Listen when the child talks.
  • Allow the child independence in the decision making process.
  • Avoid comparisons.
  • Stay clear of child/child conflicts. Provide conflict resolution skills for child/adult conflicts.
  • Ignore annoying behavior.
  • Be a role model.
  • Make time each day to have fun with your child and bring laughter to the relationship.